DRL KOUT (octal 2) - keyboard output.


drl   kout
zero  tally,char


points to a driver tally word which in turn points to a list of line TALLY/TALLYB words that define each line of BCD/ASCII characters to be output to the terminal. The driver tally has the count of the line tallies in the list.
points to a word to be appended to each output line. This could be a line feed and carriage return sequence, for example. If the field is present, the first null character terminates the appendage of characters. No more than four characters will be appended.


       drl     kout
       zero    dvrtal,crlf
dvrtal tally   lintal,2
lintal tallyb  line1,15
       tally   line2,20
line1  ascii   4,this is line 1
line2  bcd     4,this is second line
crlf   oct     015012000000


DRL KOUT is used to initiate buffered terminal output. On return to the calling subsystem, the tally words are modified and must therefore be refreshed prior to each execution.

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