DEFIL 06 - create temp file, get aft description.


drl    defil
zero   L(arglst),L(stat)
sta    fildes
arglst null
filnam ascii   2,aftname
opts   vfd     6/devtyp,10/0, bits 0-5
       etc     1/bigpat,      bit 16
       etc     1/setdev,      bit 17
       etc     1/mode,5/0,    bit 18
       etc     1/links        bits 24-35
stat   bss     1


points to a 1 word status return.
temp file successfully created.
no room in AFT
file not in AFT. This occurs only when the request was to get information on an existing file (0==links).
duplicate file name
no room for PAT. (TSS may be in trouble).
illegal device specified
points to the 3 word input argument list. The first two words, "filnam", give the AFT name of the file to be created or described. The third word "opts", describes the exact function requested.
devtyp bits 0-5
A 6 bit Gcos disk device type.
bigpat bit 16
TSS will allocate a 13 word PAT for the temp file being created. It is usually a good idea to set this unless you are certain the file will never be grown.
setdev bit 17
If this is set to 1, TSS will check that the code in 'devtyp' is for a mass store type device. Normally, this bit is zero, and TSS ignores the 'devtyp' field completely.
mode bit 18
This is zero to create a linked file, and one for a random file.
links bits 24-35
This specifies that the size in links of the temp file to create. A value of zero, is used when no file is being created, and DRL DEFIL is being used to obtain a decription on an existing entry in the AFT.


DRL DEFIL is used to create a temporary, or to obtain a information about a named entry in the AFT.

When creating a file (0 < links), DRL DEFIL allows you to specify a type of disk. However, this is just for backward compatibility. If a specific device type is requested, TSS will check that it is the code for a mass storage type device, but will ignore the actual device code value, and look for space in the pool of devices that allow temporary files.

If a temp file was created (status 0), or if the AFT already contained a entry matching 'filnam' (status 5), the A register will be set as follows.

Bits 0-5      Device type
Bits 6-17     Number or words per logical sector (64)
Bit 18=1      Always set
Bit 19=0      Linked file
Bit 19=1      Random file
Bit 20=0      Temporary file
Bit 20=1      Permanent file
Bit 21        Unused
Bits 22-35    Number of llinks in file
              Zero implies more than 16383

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