_FUNIT - obtain B unit number.

(GCOS-8 only)


#include <stdio.h>
int _funit();
unit = _funit(fp);


FILE *fp;
is a stream pointer associated with an open I/O stream.
int unit;
is the B unit number associated with the stream.


_funit(stdin)  == 0
_funit(stdout) == 1
_funit(stderr) == -4


The B unit number of an open stream is the number that is used by library routines in the "UW Tools" package when they perform I/O on the stream. This is not usually the same as the C file descriptor number associated with the stream. "_funit" returns the B unit number associated with a particular stream.


This is only supported under GCOS-8, and will only be of interest to those who write programs using I/O routines from both the C library and the UW Tools library.

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