BPP - B macro pre-processor with conditional compilation.


BPP file [option]*
BPP <file [option]*
(+|-)Respectcase (+)
(+|-)lineNumbers (-)
Include=path1[,path2,...] (b/manif)


bpp main.b +n >outfile
bpp another.b CONTROL=yes >out
bpp i=b/manif/4vx,b/manif/4js2 <file1 >out -r


specifies the search pathnames for #include directives. When BPP finds
#include <file>

in the file being processed, BPP looks for "path1/file", then "path2/file", and so on until it finds a file that actually exists. The default search path is "b/manif".

adds the line number of the current input file to the output lines. This lets compilers issue diagnostic messages using line numbers from the original input files, rather than BPP's output file.
ignores case distinction in the source files.
tells BPP to replace every occurrence of "token" with the associated "definition" before doing any other processing on the input. The "token" can be any lexical token recognized by the B compiler, except for the keyword "Include".


BPP is a macro pre-processor designed for use with B programs. The BPP command invokes the BPP processor after replacing any "tokens" mentioned on the command line with their corresponding "definitions", and after setting any include search rules dictated by Include= options.

All of BPP's output is directed to standard output.

See Also:

expl bpp syntax

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.